Closest train stations:
Swanley – 5 minute taxi from the venue
Dartford – 13 minute taxi from the venue
Swanley – about 1 hour train away from London Bridge Station or Victoria Station.
Dartford – about 1.5 hour train away from London Bridge Station or Victoria Station.
There are public transport links from all London airports.
If you are travelling by Taxi, book in advance as there will be a shortage on the day.
The taxi apps Uber and Bolt operates in the area. Schedule in advance if using these.
Other taxi companies:
Swan Taxis
Dartford, United Kingdom
Contact: 01322 662666.
All Night Cars
Dartford, United Kingdom
Contact: 01322 221100 or
Sherbets Mini Cabs
Bexley, United Kingdom
Contact: 01322 555222.
Street Cars MiniCab Service
Dartford, United Kingdom
Contact: 01322370000.
Horizon Private Hire
Kent, United Kingdom
Contact: 07737 978566.
Fastlane Transfers
Kent, United Kingdom
For airport transfers and long-distance journeys.
Contact: 0127 988 6762 or